The primary objectives and benefits of ETIMS are as follows:
a) Automated Validation: Automate the tax invoice validation process to ensure adherence to tax regulations, reducing errors, and minimizing manual intervention.
b) Real-time Transmission: Enable real-time transmission of validated tax invoices to the relevant tax authorities, ensuring timely compliance and avoiding penalties.
c) Data Accuracy: Improve data accuracy by integrating ERP data with the taxation system, minimizing discrepancies and ensuring consistency.
d) Affordability: Integration of your systems to eTIMS is cost effective and budget friendly as your systems will be communicating and sending information directly to KRA thus eliminating the need of additional fiscal devices.

The objective of eTIMS is to reduce the cost of compliance for VAT-registered businesses. Through integration with eTIMS, businesses will benefit from real-time invoice transmission, providing accuracy in tax invoice declarations and reconciliation between filed returns and payments. This will also eliminate the need for multiple hardware purchases